Just a quickie to let everyone know I'm still alive. I moved last Saturday and am now living in Box Central. I have just about unpacked all my kitchen boxes, but still got loads of other stuff do do and some bits of furniture to get.
I'll be back on the internet from home some time next week so I'll be able to properly get back into blogging and sharing recipes then!

I'll be back on the internet from home some time next week so I'll be able to properly get back into blogging and sharing recipes then!
Sylvie, your apartment looks lovely, so much light! Love the floors. I am thinking of you, hang in there! Much love, Raquel XO
Look at that pretty view. Moving is just not fun so I'm thinking about you!
A lovely view like Melissa said. You will soon be sorted Sylvie!
You will soon get your new place in shape.
Love your big windows and view Sylvie, and those wood floors look gorgeous.
Hang in there girl!
Good to hear you're still with us...
Don't envy you the boxes, though. Still, keep focussing on the end goal...
Good luck getting organised. I wish you lots of happiness in your new place.
Dear Sylvie with calm, good luck organized, whish you will be happy and OK,xxGloria
Sylvie - I've given you an award! pop to my blog when you get a minute. Hope your getting settled. Jan x
Hi Sylvie!
I just saw your blog on Jan's blog now :)
And I just love your domain and profile info as an addict of tea! And moreover being an addict of green and black peppermint teas! (In fact I love all scented, and flavoured teas but peppermint/morroccan mint is special!)
Wishing you all the very best with your new house!
Cheers from Istanbul,
Good luck! Hope you will be very happy in your new home.
Thanks for all the supportive comments everyone! I just realised that as soon as I get back online at the flat, I'll be off on holiday for a couple of weeks. Am I ever gonna get back to blogging?
Hi Sylvie...when you get back of holidays, nip over to my blog as you have been tagged!!
Loving the floorboards...loads of light too, you will have it looking fab in no time!
oh, my least favorite thing to do is unpack :( (too many years of having to move due to my stepdad having been in the military)...but look at that beautiful view you have, there. I move in just 16 days! Eek!
Good luck with all the unpacking
Love the hardwood floors Sylvie and the view from the window:D
sylvie! can't wait to come and see the place myself! looks gorgeous. I made through moving and stuff and you will, too! DEFINITELY! loads of hugs from home, carmen (oh, you get me really going with this cooking business, it all looks so yummy!-) and that's me talking!
Wishing you all the very best in your new home sylvie!!
Rosie x
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