Hello there, I really like your blog. You have some really nice stuff here and I do hope you will carry on writing. I am looking for passionate writers to join our community of bloggers - glipho.com It might be a good idea to give your writing and your blog more exposure while having fun and meeting fellow writers. Please check us out and drop me a line at hubert@glipho.com for any questions. Best! Hubert
I love food and I love sharing my enthusiasm for good quality ingredients and often simple recipes. I am German but live in Manchester, England and I use this blog to share what's cooking and baking in my kitchen. I'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment or feel free to ask me a question!
1 comment:
Hello there,
I really like your blog. You have some really nice stuff here and I do hope you will carry on writing.
I am looking for passionate writers to join our community of bloggers - glipho.com
It might be a good idea to give your writing and your blog more exposure while having fun and meeting fellow writers.
Please check us out and drop me a line at hubert@glipho.com for any questions.
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