Firstly a big THANK YOU to Nic at Cherrapeno who awarded me the E for 'Excellence' Award a while ago. Sorry Nic, that it took me so long to mention it here.
I've already passed this award on once and it really doesn't get any easier choosing the second time round as there are so many deserving blogs out there, but here I go anyways (in no particular order)...
Just Get Floury. Ginny shares great recipes, photos and stories and I love the idea of the Dollar Dish Duel, even if this time round I missed the deadline.
Tinned Tomatoes. Holler inspires me to cook more vegetarian dishes with her great recipes.
Kalofagas - Greek Food & Beyond. Nobody has ever made me want to get the BBQ out while it's still freezing and snowing like Peter with his great food and stories.
Another big THANK YOU goes to Rosie at Rosie Bakes a 'Peace' of Cake, for choosing my blog for the Arte y Pico Award. Rosie, I'm made up, even though of course now I'm in the impossible situation of having to choose five blogs to pass it on to.

A Slice of Cherry Pie. Julia doesn't just share great recipes and wonderful pictures, she also set up the UK Food Blogger's Association and continues to manage it.
The Great Big Vegetable Challenge. I love the idea and think everyone should make vegetables fun like this for their kids, so they can learn to love the rich variety there is on offer. Go check out Freddie's adventures.
Closet Cooking. Kevin is amazingly adventurous with his cooking. I don't know anybody else who makes their own kimchi. He even 'learns' Chinese symbols, so he can get the right ingredients when shopping in Chinatown.
Hannah's Country Kitchen. I first saw Hannah as a contestant on Masterchef last year and then found her blog. She bakes and decorates amazing cakes and I love her way of experimenting with unusual flavour combinations.
A Year from Oak Cottage. I have 'known' Marie for quite a while now and hers was one of the first blogs I followed regularly and she was certainly partly responsible for getting me into the whole blogging thing.
The rules for the Arte y Pico Award are:
1. You pick five blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and the link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Sylvie, you are so deserving of all the awards you get! I love your blog.
Sylvie, thank you so much for the kind words...if you lived closer, I'd have you over for a barbecue!
Raquel, thank you so much.
Peter, careful what your saying, I'm planning a trip to Canada some time next year. You might just find me on your door step bottle of wine in hand. ;)
You didn't have to pass it on at all Sylvie, but I must say that you've chosen some of my favourites!
Thanks for the kind words and the award!
Thank you for your sweet words and the award! How exciting! You definitely deserve it for your wonderful blog! Thanks again! :)
Aww thanks Sylvie for the kind mention! I truly appreciate it and just for the record you are one of my favourite blogs as well!! (and that's not just because you are a friend either!) You have some good cooking and photography going on here!
Thank you so much Sylvie for the award - it is just so kind of you. I love your blog - the pancakes look to die for and I will definitely be trying them
Much love
Thank you so much Sylvie, for your kind words and the award. You've made my day! Julia x
Thank you so much Sylvie. Ijust saw this as I went off to work - made my day too!!
Nic, I always think that if you have something you like though and share it, it becomes even better!
Kevin, Ginny, Marie, Hannah, Julia, Charlotte, you are all very welcome and each one of you really deserves it in my opinion!
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