Sunday 31 July 2011

Rotweinkuchen (Red Wine Chocolate Cake)

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This is one of those cakes that my mum makes quite regularly. It's simple, easy to transport and keeps well, should you have any leftovers for some strange reason. The red wine gives it some depth in flavour and also makes sure it's moist.

So when I went home for a family visit and all went on a holiday at Easter this cake is one of the things we took along with us and enjoyed with a cup of coffee after a five-hour car journey to East Germany. Why I'm only just getting around to blogging about it now, I don't know!

It usually looks a little darker, but we didn't have quite enough cocoa powder left.


Rotweinkuchen (1 cake)

250g softened butter or magarine
250g sugar
250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2tbsp ground cinnamon
a pinch of salt
1tsp vanilla essence
125ml red wine
125g coarsly chopped or grated dark chocolate

Preheat your oven to 175C/Gas4.

Grease a Kugelhop or fluted cake tin.

In a large bowl cream the butter with the sugar until light in colour.

Add one egg at the time and continue to beat with an electric whisk.

Add the cocoa powder, cinnamon, salt and vanilla essence and red wine and continue to beat until combined.

Sift the baking powder and flour together and add little by little by little whilst continuing to whisk.

Add the chocolate and mix in with a wooden spoon.

Pour into your prepared cake tin and bake for around 60 minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Allow to stand for 10 minutes before carefully turning out onto a cooling rack.

Once cool, dust with icing sugar.




Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

The red wone would add a depth of flavour unimaginable.

Karen S Booth said...

Wow, I had forgotten all about this cake, I used to have a friend in Germany when I lived there, who used to bake one for me now and then! Lovely photos as akways Sylvie!
Lavender and Lovage

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Looks and sounds lovely. I like the pattern from the cake tin, it finishes it off nicely :)

Through My Kitchen Window said...

Fascinating. Have never heard of a cake with red wine in it before. I liked how you didn't have enough cocoa; but made it anyway. I'd be the same.

Unknown said...

Nothing gives me a headache like an evening of red wine and chocolate - but I reckon this cake would make it worth it! Really happy to have found your blog (via Cake, Crumbs and Cooking). Look forward to discovering more!

Jules said...

I need to make this cake, plus it's a good excuse for me to buy a kugelhop!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic cake - red wine and chocolate - that's about as perfect as it gets! Lovely blog - just found you, signing up to follow!

Gloria Baker said...

Lovely Cake!! gloria

Mattmes said...

What a good excuse to open a bottle of wine. Not that I really ever need one mind!

Susan@Holly Grove said...

I've a slightly different recipe for red wine and chocolate cake -

But in the interests of baking I'll be trying your recipe very soon - it looks delicious!