Wednesday 10 September 2008

Returning from Germany with a Dutch Recipe - Fillet Bake Amsterdam

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I got back from Germany yesterday morning. After only a few hours sleep I caught an early flight back to the UK, got in a taxi, dropped my suitcase off at my flat and went straight into work. On top of all that I've been coming down with a cold the last couple of days. So, needless to say I wasn't much in the mood for cooking last night and just shoved a pizza into the oven.

Luckily though I got to try two new recipes while I stayed at my mum and dad's house, so that I have something to blog about. This first one my mum made on the day I arrived. I have no idea why it has Amsterdam in the title and don't really think it is typically Dutch, but it was very good nevertheless and it's easy to make as well. I'd happily serve it to friends at in informal dinner. If you don't have majoram you can use oregano, you'll just need a little less.

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Fillet Bake Amsterdam (serves 4)

250gr ribbon pasta
150gr Edam cheese, grated
500gr pork fillet
100gr sliced deli ham, cut into strips
40gr butter
1 carton single cream (half and half)
125ml vegetable stock
a dash of white wine
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste

Preheat your oven to 180C/ Gas 4.

Cook the pasta al dente, drain and mix with 50gr of the grated cheese.

Place into an oven proof dish.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, cut the pork fillet into 1 inch slices, season with salt, pepper and majoram to taste and fry until sealed.

Place the fillet on top of the pasta and return the pan to the hob.

Pour the cream and stock into the pan and stir well, making sure that you loosen all the residue from the fillet into the sauce.

Bring to a simmer and cook until it has thickened a little. Season with salt, pepper, majoram and a dash of white wine, before pouring it over the pasta and meat.

Sprinkle with the strips of ham and top everything with the remaining cheese.

Place in your preheated oven for about 20 Minutes until the cheese turns golden.


Beth (jamandcream) said...

I haven't had edam cheese for ages! I love the sound of this. Am bookmarking

Jan said...

Looks very nice Sylvie - glad you had a good time! Jan x

Sophie said...

I'm sorry to hear you're coming down with a cold :(. It's good to have you back, though! Gosh, you know, I really love pork anything. Ham is what I've been craving for awhile now; I usually get my bacon-fix on the weekend because my hubby's addicted to it :). I could easily see eating something like this for breakfast :).

Marie Rayner said...

Welcome back Sylvie. Sorry you are comign down with a cold. That looks delicious! I think perhaps it's the Edam cheese (which is Dutch) that makes it worth using Amstedam in the title??? I don't know, just a guessing!

Sylvie said...

Beth, let me know what you think if you get around to trying it.

Jan, thank you.

Sophie, for me this would be too rich to eat for breakfast with all the cream and the cheese, but then I usually just stick to something light at that time of day.

Marie, the original recipe just called for grated cheese, it was me that decided on Edam to make it more Dutch. ;)

Raquel said...

Sylvie, so good to have you back! Hope you had a great vacation. That bake looks fabulous, I love Edam cheese. Much love, Raquel XO

Abitofafoodie said...

Hope you had a great trip and that you get over your cold quickly.
I love anything with pork and cheese so this would certainly be a hit with me!

Ginny said...

That looks really great! I'd never seen anything like this...I'll have to give it a try!

Sylvie said...

Raquel, I had a lovely time, thanks.

Antonia, thanks. After a lousy day yesterday, I'm feeling much better today.

Ginny, thanks. If you try it let me know what you think.

Gloria Baker said...

Look wonderful so yummy, Gloria

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Glad you had a great time in Germany...I would come home to this comforting dish any day of the week:D