Saturday 25 April 2009

Food and Friends

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I haven't really got a new recipe to share, as I've been cooking and baking a lot of old favourites lately, like Nigella's Chocolate Guinness Cake (the link it takes you to my older post about the cake and the recipe).

If you've been following this blog you will by now have realised that there isn't much gourmet cooking or haute cuisine going on in my kitchen. The reason for that is that to me food and cooking is all about love, enjoyment, flavours and above all sharing with friends. I'm not saying that gourmet meals can't be all of those things too, but I generally like things a little more rustic and unpretencious. At least at home.

I've been really lucky these last few weeks and months, as there's been a lot of eating, drinking, talking and laughing with friends. That's what makes me tick and that's what makes me happy.

So this is a big THANK YOU to all of the lovely people in my life. Friends and family, who let me share with them, who come to my house and invite me into theirs. You know who you are. You make me happy!


Jules said...

I'm with you when you say food it about friendships. Glad you've had some good foodie moments recently.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Sharing good food and laughter is what makes our world tick.

Heatherfeather said...

Your homey style of cooking is exactly why I enjoy your blog :) I loved this post.. your table full of baked cookies and the adorable tea cosy on your teapot just scream comfort and warmth.

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

I love your cooking Sylvie and that food is linked with love for you. Me too :)

Jenny said...

I made that cake for my flatmate's birthday. While I like making fancy foods, it's always more fun to make a big plate of something and share it round. The Guinness cake got passed round 16 people, it was great!

Food and friends = a good time.

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

That's such a lovely post Sylvie. So true too. Glad you've been able to have lots of food and friends time recently.

Lucy May Schofield said...

Sylvie I feel so lucky to be a part of your life and benefit from all the love and cooking you endlessly supply. It's simple really isn't it. THANK YOU x

test it comm said...

Look at all of that great food. Chocolate Guinness cakes are so good!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post, Sylvie! I too, prefer the "homey" comfort food type of recipes. They make everyone feel so good and welcome!

Sylvie said...

Jules, I can tell from following your blog that you feel the same. That's why I like Domestic Goddess in Training so much.

Val, you're so right!

Heather, the tea party actually happened at my friend's house and I was lucky enough to be invited. You're right though it was a lovely afternoon and very cosy.

Holler, thank you.

Jenny, I've also had to give the recipe to quite a few people on each ocassion that I have made it now.

Amanda, thank you.

Lucy, you're so right it is simple, we just forget that far too often. I hope you didn't mind me using the picture from your tea party, but it was one of the prime examples of exactly what I'm talking about.

Kevin, it is a good cake!

Susan, that's always my main goal to make people welcome, warm and relaxed.

Alex said...

Ah, this is such a lovely post - it made me smile! The best food is always prepared with love, and this always shows in the results...
It doesn't hurt that the cake looks scrummy too!

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Hey! Snazzy new list Sylvie! It look great :)

Well done sweetie!

Jaime said...

can i have a slice of that guinness cake

Jan said...

Love the look of that cake!
I love all your cooking Sylvie and friends are important - your happiness shows in your cooking.

Katie said...

What a sweet post...and a delicious cake!

Marie Rayner said...

Sylvie, food has always equated love with me, and it's obvious from my girth that I am gettin a lot of lovin! This cake looks fabulous. I must try it sometime!

Chelsea said...

I agree - sharing a meal with good company can make even the most humble dish a treat to be remembered.

Now, Chocolate Guinness Cake?!?! I'm off to make a note of that recipe!

Maggie said...

Lovely posting Sylvie. All the food looks great too.